Top Movies Lists

Best Time Travel Movies

This is a list of Best Time Travel Movies ever made, This list of time travel films also contains time travel movie titles that can be clicked on for more information about the film. This time travel films list can also be copied to start your own. This time travel movie list can be sorted by cast, year, director and more. (more…)

Top Movies Lists

Best James Cameron Movies

This is a list of Best James Cameron Movies. James Francis Cameron is a Canadian filmmaker, philanthropist, and deep-sea explorer. After working in special effects, he found major success after directing and writing the science fiction action film The Terminator. James Cameron net worth is estimated at $700 million. Titanic and Avatar movies are on top of this list. (more…)

Top Movies Lists

Best Time Loop Movies

What are some of the best films featuring time loops? This is a list of Best Time Loop Movies. Here, you'll find a list of time loop movies if you're in the mood to see a character try to get things just right while repeating the same day. In many ways, time loop movies provide the ultimate fantasy. (more…)

Top Movies Lists

Best Western Movies

A list of Best Western Movies. What makes a great Western? The best Western movies ever made include some true classics from the early days of cinema and more modern day films that captured our imagination and took us to the days of the wild, wild West. Aside from casting Clint Eastwood or John Wayne, an outstanding Western offers moviegoers fantastic characters, lots of drama and tension and certainly a nasty, memorable villain or two. (more…)


Best Real Female Rulers Movies

A list of Best Real Female Rulers Movies. What films will you find on this list of the best movies about real queens? these are the movies about real women who took the throne. The movie follows the royal family after the death of Princess Diana. The Iron Lady, starring Meryl Streep, is another great biopic about a real female world leader. (more…)

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