Avengers: Infinity War is, in many ways, the ultimate superhero movie. It has action, suspense and a whole lot of unique plot twists. But the best part is that it also has a way to combine all these heroes into a single, intense and fun story. Each character is focused on at least for a tiny bit. And there’s definitely a lot of fun and excitement to be had with something like this all the time.
Avengers: Infinity War Review
The main star of the movie is Thanos, for sure. They made the Titan a very relatable character. You get to learn more about his backstory, about why he is the way he is right now. And you also get to see how he met Gamora and how his life changed thanks to her. It’s also nice to see how Thanos interacts with our heroes too.
As you can imagine, there’s plenty of fun in here and the movie does a very good job with that. It makes the entire experience very rewarding and interesting, to the point where you will enjoy the exciting moments and unique gameplay ideas added in here. They did a tremendous job at balancing heroes like Iron Man with Black Panther, Hulk, Captain America and so on.
There are some interactions that work better than others. The interactions between Doctor Strange and Iron Man are some of the best out there. And then you have Thor with the Guardians. Each interaction is interesting, Drax does his favorite funny puns, and you also get a bit of growth for each one of the characters as you go along. It’s a tremendous opportunity to consider here, and you do get to have quite a bit of fun as you explore all the unique elements presented in here.
Visually, the movie is very impressive. A lot of money went into good special effects and they did a tremendous job with the character look and behavior too. There are some unpredictable deaths and moments in the movie that are quite shocking. But then again, you get to see the power of Thanos in all of its glory, and something that you will like quite a bit.
The movie does set up the next Avengers in a very proud and quite unexpected way. But you do know that the next one will be pretty intense because there are lots of unique things to consider and the experience on its own is among some of the nicest things out there. It’s by far one of the most interesting endings out there for this movie, mainly because you don’t expect it to end like that.
At the same time, Avengers: Infinity War offers a lot of excitement, fun and some really exciting and even rewarding moments that you will enjoy. If you love action titles in general, you will find Avengers: Infinity War to be one of the best titles out there. The superhero lore is respected quite a bit, and they did a very good job at bringing in a new perspective on new characters. As a whole, Avengers: Infinity War is a wonderful movie and one that you should check out soon!